I did it for the first and last shot which was the clapperboard to emphasis the fact it was when on tv for the world to see (0:00-0:01). I also did a scene where she had her finger to her mouth to symbolise 'sh', basically to say she keeps quiet about her negative other side(3:56-3:58). Along with the lyrics below which had the same style and effect as the clapperboard shot. The lyrics where:
She says, "You don't wanna be like me
Don't wanna see all the things I've seen
Don't wanna see all the things I've seen
She says, "You don't wanna get this way
Famous and dumb at an early age
Famous and dumb at an early age
She says, "You don't wanna be like me
She says, "You don't wanna get this way
Streetwalk at night, and a star by day
These are the shots from my story board I began filming today..
In this part of the video I made my actress naked. I did this because it is stereotypical of a lot of music videos for the actress to be naked and backs up laura mulveys theory of the male gaze. I also wanted to do it so it gives a similar meaning to what Miley Cyrus wanted to portray in her 'wrecking ball' video which was an earlier post. She speaks about her she wanted to represent herself as pure and innocence.The way i have put it in my video is ironic. In the other shots of her doing drugs etc. she is no seen as pure and we have different representations of her. Whereas in this video she is seen as pure and innocence. Again differentiating between her 2 lives of how she wants the world to really perceive her as this innocent girl but how the world really would perceive her if we saw her behind closed doors. The natural makeup and plain straight hair was also done in a way to help create these connotations and representations. To show her natural beauty and again when we see natural it gives us connotations of pure, which again she is not. Here i added the clips to the rest of my movie. I made sure that when the artist was mouthing the words it went corresponding with the song lyrics. Again i used the same effects as before to keep it consistent throughout and added another slow motion shot to it. I did this to help emphasise this part of the song lyrics 'dyin' as it is quite a dramatic word. However in my last 'filming session' post i decided to rearrange some affects round. Instead of having the effect 'frame' throughout the video I decided to change it so only the scenes i filmed above did. This way it would look more like this was her on screen and how she wants the world to percieve her whereas the scenes without the frame show her behind closed doors. I still kept the effects '50's Tv' and 'aged film' on all the scenes i have done up to now.

What I would rethink about?
If i was to film these scenes again I would make sure the shots that were repeated in the same style. The shots being the ones to the right. For example in the first paragraph the video shows a close up which is the one the right of her mouthing the words then the paragraph after shows another close up. But its not in the same position and shows more of my face then the one of my mouth. The picture of this shot is shown below The result of this meant my video lacked continuity. Another thing when filming this again would be that i'd make sure that her eyelashes were stuck on properly. They look a bit uneven and falling off. This doesn't make my video look very professional. Suppose this could also be a good think to represent her life being uneven. Like she can still make herself look nice but cant hide behind her eyelashes to show how uneven her life is.
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